Let’s get started.
Join our community of job seekers and employers and get access to free supports.

Let’s get started.

Join our community of job seekers and employers and get access to free supports.

What we do
Diversity Institute’s MyStartr platform provides free resources to help job seekers in their journey to become job ready.

Resources and Events
Access free career planning tools such as résumé and cover letter workbooks, and interview guides, to get you ready to apply and interview. Get updates on relevant hiring events and employer engagement opportunities.

Job portal
Ready to apply? Access thousands of jobs on Magnet’s job portal, posted by more than 60,000 employers. Magnet’s algorithm will help match you with jobs based on your skills and experience.

Learning centre
Want to learn new skills? Job seekers enrolled in eligible work placement programs also get access to free online training on topics such as job search skills, skills for success and digital skills.
In Grade K–12 and looking to explore your career options?
Check out our Future Skills & Careers page, where you can learn more about your strengths and explore careers that you might be interested in.
Looking to develop new skills to help you with your job search? We are here to help.
The Diversity Institute runs several upskilling and work placement programs. Youth and equity-deserving groups may be eligible to get access to online learning modules to help them develop new skills to support them in their job search.
Explainer Video
See how MyStartr connects you to opportunity
Explainer Video
Hear how people like you landed jobs with a future
After registering for the MyStartr program, I felt a renewed sense of confidence. My coach, who called me to explain the hiring process and motivate me, was really nice and made me feel more positive about the whole experience. I would absolutely recommend the MyStartr program to any young person looking for work. With the current job market being so difficult to navigate, it’s easy to feel discouraged and overwhelmed. MyStartr provides excellent support and preparation that is sure to help anyone feel more confident and ready for the job search process.
The support and preparation experience was amazing. I believe that the preparation really did help me get ready for the interview experience because without it, I wouldn’t have had the knowledge I did going into the interview. With the preparation I was able to think before I could say, and it was overall very well thought out to help us youth/young adults get ready for an interview we were all nervous for.
British Columbia

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Take your first step along the path to a good job—and a future career.

Powered by Diversity Institute
MyStartr is powered by Diversity Institute, a research institute based at the Ted Rogers School of Management at Toronto Metropolitan University, and the research lead for the Future Skills Centre.
Check out their research and other programs.