August 7, 2023

Dr. Wendy Cukier (she/her)

Founder & Academic Director; Professor, Entrepreneurship & Strategy
Dr. Wendy Cukier, MA, MBA, PhD, DU (hon) LLD (hon)  is a Professor of Entrepreneurship and Strategy, and Founder of the Diversity Institute at Ryerson University. She is the co-author of the bestseller, Innovation Nation: Canadian Leadership from Java to Jurassic Park and former VP of Research and Innovation and more than 200 articles on aspects of diversity, inclusion and innovation.  Dr. Wendy Cukier is one of Canada’s leading experts in disruptive technologies, innovation processes, and diversity and inclusion.  The Diversity Institute has more than 100 research staff and projects include DiversityLeads, which has tracked the representation of women in leadership roles and a host of projects focused specifically on women in technology. The Diversity Institute has also pioneered innovative projects such as the Advanced Digital and Professional Training program (ADaPT), the Women Entrepreneurship Hub and the Newcomer Entrepreneurship Hub. She also leads the Women Entrepreneurship Knowledge Hub and a program of research for the Future Skills Centre as well as the new Inclusive Innovation and Entrepreneurship Network (IIE-Net).

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